Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hey, all you folks who voted for Obama because you bought that he would be a centrist:  How are you feeling now?

Sotomayor is a radical.  Actually, there's some common sense in some of  her statements/decisions, but there's a lot more that is definitely odd.  But all the arguments about her aside, if she has had so many decisions overturned by the Supreme Court, shouldn't that be a clue?  That includes one that was rejected unanimously, including by that exemplar of liberal judicial interpretation, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  This does not bespeak a legal powerhouse.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


It's been a bit of a hiatus, but CAVU has been overwhelmed by many things, not least the continuing outrages. It seems that every other day, Obama is announcing that he's asking for $1.5B for this and $600M for that. This is all, of course, on top of all the rest of the spending.

I will give Obama credit, however, for deciding not to release the photos of prisoner abuse at Guantánamo. Maybe he is realizing that he's president now, and no longer a candidate.

And there's been no point on commenting on Nancy Pelosi's self-bondage--everyone else has been commenting. What fun it has been!

But I had to share this, which was posted in a web forum. It is a cartoon made by (presumably) some college students 50 years ago. It's funny, and done in the style of Loony Toon cartoons of the time, but also very scary.


Food for thought.