The whole attitude makes me sick. As far as "academically approved" is concerned....well, I'M an academic. I know just how idiotic academics can be. We may be smart, we may have great ideals that get people thinking, but as for applying them....well, we'd all be Communists now if that had been possible. Thank goodness it isn't. That a sitting president would wistfully wish for such a thing is extremely scary. Yes, the health care system could use some reform, but what is proposed is not only unworkable, it will bankrupt the country....if stimulus I, II, and III ("jobs bill"--give me a break!) don't do it.
But fortunately I'm sane, still.....just....for having found love. I can hardly believe it. From widowhood to engagement in a few short months. I am indeed blessed.
So to all you 50+ widows out there, don't give up and don't lower your standards. We may outnumber men, and maybe most of the good ones are taken, but the "taken" ones might be widowers some day, and they'll still be good.