Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Susan Boyle--exemplar of what is right about the world

OK, maybe I'm a sap, but if I am, there are millions like me. I just can't get over that episode of "Britain's Got Talent" with Susan Boyle. That whole clip is just so uplifting. It is SO easy to become depressed about the state of the world, then out of nowhere comes this frumpy Scottish woman who, at middle age, throws herself to the sharks to get a chance to sing for the world. And the sharks are transformed into worshipful lambs as she proves herself to have a voice from the angels.

On the chance you've been living on Mars and haven't yet heard this, invest a few minutes. You will not regret it.

Here it is.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I just don't get it

I guess all my 58 years and all the traveling and living I've done across the world mean I haven't learned a thing.

OK, it's one thing to shake hands with dictators. I mean, what are you going to do at a conference, give someone the cold shoulder? That's just rude. Obama didn't have to look so happy to see Chavez, but I wouldn't have expected him to turn on his heel and walk away from the guy, either. That would be playing into the guy's hands.

But releasing the CIA memos, over the objection of his own CIA director? Apologizing to all and sundry for America's supposed sins? OK, the US has at times been exploitative, but we don't hold a candle to most nations at various times in their history. And the old aging hippie idea that we're imperialistic is just silly. By apologizing for our so-called national sins, Obama is trivializing the hopes of people who really are suffering under tyranny, trivializing real imperialism.

I just don't get how this is supposed to make people respect the US more. I've lived in Europe and traveled there numerous times. I have many friends in Europe. They are laughing behind their hands at us, or appalled. That this country is basically good is evidenced by the immigration here.

I have really been trying hard to get inside the Democrats', and especially Obama's, heads, but these actions completely baffle me.

Monday, April 20, 2009


CAVU is facing some personal challenges in her family, a close one's severe illness. It is so easy to become negative when this kind of thing is going on, and if on top of that, one is worried about one's country, it's too easy to feel the weight of the world on one's shoulders.

So I am making a concerted effort to take note of the small, beautiful things in life. Spring is beautiful anywhere, and CAVU is lucky enough to live where there is still a little bit of wild. Outside our sliding glass doors right now are dozens of tiny yellow wild lilies that come up every year. They don't last long, but they are so beautiful.

CAVU was also lucky to escape caretaking duties for a few hours, and found herself at the airport to update a database in her plane. It was a spectacular day, the first day of real spring (CAVU lives way up north). I decided I just had to get into the air, as my opportunities now are so infrequent. I took off and climbed straight up among the clouds, turned east toward the mountains, and just soaked up every joyful moment as much as I could. Steep spiral back down through another gap in the clouds (a steep spiral is actually an emergency maneuver I hadn't practiced in awhile, but it's also fun), and back for a couple of cross-wind landings. It was pure joy.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The party of "no"

The Democrats have been calling the Republicans "the party of 'no'". Now, I don't really want to defend the GOP because they have behaved shockingly irresponsibly in recent years. But I wonder if the Democrats realize how this makes them sound.

I guess I just can't get past the Democrats proposing to "solve" the horrible deficits, for which they so roundly criticized the GOP, by quadrupling them (yep, it's quadruple). The GOP is saying "no" to that, not least because they realize that they messed up and don't want future generations to suffer any more. The Democrats are coming across like kids in a candy shop: all of a sudden they've got access to all this money, they've been out of power (they think, though not really) for years, and they want everything they want and they want it now. "D*** the torpedoes, full speed ahead, and s**** the deficit." For a party that prides itself on compassion, they are showing a disgusting lack of concern for future generations. They would do a lot better to get the deficit under control and THEN go after what they want. That would be the responsible thing to do.

The GOP are coming across like adults in this one.