Sunday, April 26, 2009

I just don't get it

I guess all my 58 years and all the traveling and living I've done across the world mean I haven't learned a thing.

OK, it's one thing to shake hands with dictators. I mean, what are you going to do at a conference, give someone the cold shoulder? That's just rude. Obama didn't have to look so happy to see Chavez, but I wouldn't have expected him to turn on his heel and walk away from the guy, either. That would be playing into the guy's hands.

But releasing the CIA memos, over the objection of his own CIA director? Apologizing to all and sundry for America's supposed sins? OK, the US has at times been exploitative, but we don't hold a candle to most nations at various times in their history. And the old aging hippie idea that we're imperialistic is just silly. By apologizing for our so-called national sins, Obama is trivializing the hopes of people who really are suffering under tyranny, trivializing real imperialism.

I just don't get how this is supposed to make people respect the US more. I've lived in Europe and traveled there numerous times. I have many friends in Europe. They are laughing behind their hands at us, or appalled. That this country is basically good is evidenced by the immigration here.

I have really been trying hard to get inside the Democrats', and especially Obama's, heads, but these actions completely baffle me.


  1. The handshake really doesn't bother me. The memo releases do. It *could* be explained as simple cynicism -- Obama is willing to do whatever will make him look good, especially at the expense of the last president. But I think the more likely explanation is what can only be called a "9/10 mindset". He (and most all of his liberal supporters) are well-meaning and earnest in their beliefs, but their worlds did *not* change on 9/11, while mine did. Is there any other way to explain how the White House could approve an Air Force One low flyover of NYC today (complete with F-16 chasers) simply for a photo-op? How could they not think of what that might do to people on the ground looking up?

  2. Yeah, that was definitely a bonehead move. You know, I wouldn't see much in that except that it's one more thing.

  3. Of course, on the other hand, apparently the police force knew ahead of time. I'm surprised no one raised objections and called the possibility of panic to anyone's attention.

  4. I agree there's not much to this one (though they're very lucky there were no deaths from heart attack or trampling). But sometimes an otherwise insignificant event can crystalize a perception. This one following on the heels of the memo release has done that for me -- these guys don't get what happened on 9/11.
