Thursday, July 16, 2009

LIving a full life

Thanks to the Wall Street Journal,  I just found Greg Mankiw's blog.  Mankiw is an economics professor at Harvard.  In addition to discussions of economics, he has a list of links to topics such as "Advice for Junior Faculty".  Mankiw has a sense of humor!  Most refreshing in a professor.  His advice is excellent:  live to do research and publish papers.  Have no friends or family unless they will publish with you.  Above all, avoid having children!  He then goes on to indicate what might happen at the Pearly Gates.  Priceless.

My fellow faculty members ask how I can possibly have taken the time to learn to fly.  As doing so has had, if anything, a salient effect on my career, the question leaves me non-plussed.  The only possible answer is, "I made the time."  That is the key to being successful and still living one's dreams, or having a family, or whatever else you need to do to become a whole person and not just a brain.  

Of course, if your ambitions are to be the acknowledged very best at what you do, to be on the Time 100-people-to-watch list, to be a "widely cited expert", or whatever you consider to be the pinnacle of success, by all means go for it.  But then again, you might not make it, and then where will you be?  Do well, work hard, and have fun, and you never know where you'll end up.  You might be surprised.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Palin--you go, girl!

Like a lot of people, I was surprised when I heard Sarah Palin was stepping down.  But after hearing her speech, I get it completely.  She's accomplished what she set out to accomplish in Alaska, she's got a shot at a bigger stage that might not be so powerful if she waits until the end of her term, she's got some strongly held beliefs, and she's seeing a chance to have an impact on those issues she cares most about.  It's been a hoot listening to the pundits who just....don'

Watch out, world!  I think Sarah's going to be around for a long time holding the nation to its ideals the same way she held Letterman accountable.  Woo hoo!