Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Palin--you go, girl!

Like a lot of people, I was surprised when I heard Sarah Palin was stepping down.  But after hearing her speech, I get it completely.  She's accomplished what she set out to accomplish in Alaska, she's got a shot at a bigger stage that might not be so powerful if she waits until the end of her term, she's got some strongly held beliefs, and she's seeing a chance to have an impact on those issues she cares most about.  It's been a hoot listening to the pundits who just....don'

Watch out, world!  I think Sarah's going to be around for a long time holding the nation to its ideals the same way she held Letterman accountable.  Woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. The continued fallout from this has been amazing. The only person I've heard comment on this who gets it is Rick Santorum.

    Now, CAVU is anything but religious, so even though I lean right, I'm definitely not part of the "Republican base", whatever that is. Open talk about religion in politics leaves me pretty uncomfortable, and that includes things that Palin (and Santorum, for that matter) have said.

    On the other hand, Palin is neither brilliant nor an airhead. She is someone who has a vision of what she believes and wants to accomplish and doesn't care if it fits anyone's idea of political savvy, direction, or "what just isn't done", the latter being the prissy tone some pundits have used to discuss her move.

    I have long wished for a leader to step forward who recognizes what I think might be the real core of voters in this country, independents who are basically fairly libertarian. Although Palin is a little too religious for me, I'm not sure her religion really plays into her politics; there is little evidence that it does. On the whole, she seems more libertarian than anything. Religiosity aside, she might be the person a lot of us libertarian independents have been looking for.

    Yeah, she's going to have to start sounding more serious. But unlike a lot of people, I think she IS serious--look at some of what she accomplished in Alaska. She just hasn't quite found the right tone to discuss policy, a tone that will show her seriousness without suppressing her enthusiasm and optimism. It's sad, but so many people confuse optimism and enthusiasm with airheadedness. Have they been so quick to forget Reagan?
