Thursday, March 12, 2009

National Tax Tea Party

CAVU found this link today.  They are explicitly trying to leverage the success of the tea parties that have happened recently.  Regardless of your political stripe, it's worth spending some time thinking about the growing tax liability.  Once we commit to growing it, it's extremely hard to reverse.

On a similar note, CAVU is pleased to see that some governors are trying to set aside some of the stimulus money for rainy day funds.  They have seen right through the Democrats' plan to make the states dependent.  They do not want to use one-time money to start ongoing programs.  Whether future spending for such programs will come from the federal government or from the states hardly matters.  Either way, they would require huge tax increases.  

1 comment:

  1. Today was the day, but getting news on how it went has been hard. I've heard everything from 300 cities to 2000 cities. Given that there was one in little, old, liberal Moscow, ID, I'm inclined to believe it was closer to the latter number, but who knows? I'm somewhat irked that some Fox News commentators made it out to be an Obama-bashing thing, but other coverage showed that it's not just limited to right-wing extremists--there were a fair number of Democrats and college-age students as well, at least in the coverage I saw.

    CAVU intended to go to one, but family matters intervened. I even had a sign made up! This would have been the first demonstration I'd been to in 40 years--last one was in 1969 (if memory serves) demonstrating against the Vietnam Warm. The sign showed the budget deficits of the last 8 years and the projected deficits for the next 8, and it is a truly scary picture. It was attributed to the Washington Post 3/21/09. Here's a link:
    Above the graph, I wrote "THIS...." and below it I wrote "....IS WHY I'M HERE"

    I don't know what ticks me off more, the fact that even the best-case scenario for the deficit in the next 8 years (White House estimate for 2012) is still higher than the biggest one of the last 8 or the appalling cynicism exhibited by the Obama administration in engineering it to make the deficit fall steeply up to the 2012 election and then start climbing again. I can just see him touting the steep decline in his 2012 campaign speeches. This is classic Chicago politics, by the way.
